Monday, September 20, 2010

My thoughts on the AF game

This game was over when OU got the ball back for the final time. Seriously, AF burned 3:41 on a scoring drive, then kicked the ball away with 3:39 left on the clock? They should have tried an onside kick; without getting the ball back immediately, they had basically no chance of scoring again.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My thoughts on the OU game

I liked the offensive play calling on OU's part, especially in the first half. You have to throw *short* passes and run the ball to be productive, and if you do it'll open up the long pass for you. The short passes explain everything you need to know about how Landry Jones when 30/40 passing this week (he was 17/36 last week).

I'm not especially happy we let FSU get the ball back after taking possession of it with under 3 minutes left in the game. I'm especially unhappy we let FSU score on a 43 second drive at the end of the game. a) Since when do Hail Mary passes work? and b) it just makes the score look less impressive to the voters that it should.